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Provide aid in the revitalization of the Coahilteco Language, for Teaching purposes. I work in collaboration with other educators thanks to the support of the Indigenous Cultures Institute and the Humanities Texas grant. Courses are to be taught in the Sacred Springs Pow-wow and also developed for an online platform.

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Graduate Student Organization
Spanish & Portuguese
President 2020-2021

Streamline communication between faculty and Graduate students in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese. Foster a sense of community and provide relevant programming to graduate students in the Department of Spanish & Portuguese.

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Faculty Innovation Center
Digital Story telling Project
With Jermani Ojeda

An initiative co-led with Jermani Ojeda to implement the use of digital storytelling in the foreign language classroom. The initiative was awarded a grant through the Faculty Innovation fund. 

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Coordinated, planned, and executed a nationwide search for the American Association of Hispanics in Higher Education for their Annual Graduate Studen Fellows Program.  Coordinate, and lead a collective for the fellowship program that is relevant for the retention and leadership development of future Latinx scholars in academia and higher education administration


Community Moderator 

Assisted in the coordination of correspondence and communications related to the Texas Coalition of Heritage Spanish through Newsletters and Website development. Other responsibilities included Advertisement of events, and aid in social media pressence. 

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13th Annual SPGSA Conference
Weapons of Social Justice
Conference Organizer 

Planned, organized, and executed a graduate student conference for the Department of Spanish & Portuguese at UCLA. The theme of the conference was Weapons of Social Justice: Reinvention through Language, Literature & Culture.

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